The Falkland Islands and South Atlantic
Wireless Station at Fox Bay East

Wireless Station at Fox Bay East 'VQZ'

  • C-Maddocks-sending-telegrams-1960's
  • control-panel

In August 1916 the Government approved the erection of a wireless station within their paddock at Fox Bay East. It was completed by November 1918. To the left of the front door and steps was a workshop leading in to a room with the Marconi transmitter. Right of this was a passage and small room with a battery bank. The far right housed two huge generators and a large standing control panel. Fox Bay enjoyed 24/7 electricity, (DC) which no other settlement had. The Wireless operator lived in the old Magistrate's house, combining his duties with Postmaster.
Combined with the newly erected telephone lines north to Chartres and other northern settlements this revolutionised life on West Falkland. It was possible to contact Stanley and beyond easily. Telegrams were sent and received in Morse Code twice a day. They were then delivered to farms via the newly installed telephone lines, Usually telegrams were relayed along the telephone line after six o'clock in the evening when it was more likely that farmers, and most importantly Mrs Mac at the exchange at Goring House was sure to be in from work.
The 1918 Colonial report says: ' The station at Fox Bay has proved to be of great use and benefit to the residents on the West Falkland and adjacent islands, whose isolation in previous years has been even greater than that of their slightly less unfortunate fellows on the East Falkland. The erection of this Wireless Telegraph Station has been the only public work of unusual importance undertaken throughout the year. Telephonic communication between Stanley and the several stations on the West Falkland has been gradually increasing during the last few years. On the West Falkland Fox Bay, Port Howard, Hill Cove and Chartres are inter-connected by telephone and there are indications that these stations will shortly be joined up with others.

Wireless operators at Fox Bay Station

  • 1918- Jan 1929 ?
  • January 1929- ? William B Myles
  • ?- 1956 Steve Smith
  • 1956- 1980 Charles Maddocks
  • 1980-? Ken Halliday










Sources include: Cameron National Archives /Buildings/ Land/General/Early leases of land post 1842
Photographs- Charles Maddocks family, Ian Barnes


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Photographic credits: Header: Charles Maddocks, Ian Barnes




Find out more about Fox Bay Government Station